In the first week of July each year in Australia celebrations are held to celebrate and recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. After all, we are part of the oldest, continuous living cultures on Earth!
NAIDOC Week presents an opportunity to learn about First Nations cultures and histories – and also to get to know and support our local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
This year’s theme is Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up! But what does that mean for us?
It’s time to move beyond good intentions and promises. We encourage each one of you to make a personal commitment and pledge what action you will champion this year.
Ember Connect’s NAIDOC Week Pledge
Our Ember Connect family supports the Wiyi Yani U Thangani (Women’s Voices) Report and Project. It’s time to achieve First Nations Gender Justice and Equality in Australia.
How will we do this?
Our Ember Connect sisters will be raising awareness through our social media platforms, writing to our local MP and taking other action throughout the year – stay tuned!
What will you do to be a part of systemic change and celebration of change makers for this year’s NAIDOC theme Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!
We’ve put together a list of great organisations and resources (including a pledge resource) for you to explore this NAIDOC Week and beyond…
Get Up!
This one is all about sparking possibilities. There are so many changemakers already working hard, but what sets YOUR soul on fire? Here are some ideas:
Environmental, Culture and Heritage Protection
- Seed (Australia’s first Indigenous youth climate network)
- Torres Strait Island Climate Action Group
- Indigenous Rangers
- ANTaR (Cultural Heritage Protection)
Constitutional Change
- Support a First Nations voice enshrined in the Constitution through the Uluru Statement of the Heart
- Check out the Wiyi Yani U Thangani (Women’s Voices) Report and Project. It’s time to achieve First Nations Gender Justice and Equality in Australia
- Campaign for Justice, Rights and Respect for Australia’s First Peoples.
Learn about treaties with First Nations Peoples in Australia and elsewhere around the world. Find out what’s happening with treaty in your state or territory. Take action and support the movement for treaties in Australia.
- Stolen Generation Survivors – Make Healing Happen | The Healing Foundation
- All children deserve to thrive and fulfil their potential – “Sorry means you don’t do it again.” Follow SNAICC (National Voice for our Children)
- Aboriginal Deaths in Custody – Remember their Names and write to your MP in the lead up to the 30 year Anniversary of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody.
- Raise the Age of criminal responsibility from 10 years old. Children belong in classrooms, not prison cells.
Call out Racism
- Racism. It Stops With Me – take action and become a supporter of this Australian Human Rights Commission campaign
- Call It Out – the First Nations Racism Register is a simple and secure way for people to report incidents of racism and discrimination toward First Nations Peoples
- Learn about the Racial Discrimination Act and how important it is to balance our right to freedom of expression with our right to be protected from racist abuse.
- Racism No Way – support the delivery of anti-racism education in schools across Australia
Stand Up!
Together we are more powerful. Ignite the fire inside by doing the following:
- Take the Pledge (click to download) and make a commitment to change. Not just for one a week, but a journey for a lifetime. (click on resources to download)
- Collaborate with other allies through local events, Walks and online discussions. Start by looking up NAIDOC events near you.
Show Up!
Be prepared, be vocal and be present. Light the path for yourself and for others.
- Share your Pledge or other action groups with your mob and allies through social media, yarning or even at your workplace.
- Connect a group of Ember Sisters on our online platform Ember Connect Live
- Support and advocate for other businesses and groups who align with your action. Tell us about it!
Have your joined our online meeting place yet?
Ember Connect Live is a completely free, closed membership community for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander women aged 18 and over.
It’s a living and breathing meeting place where we can gather, share stories and experiences, learn, and grow. Find out more here.